Employment Law Update: August 2022
Tuesday 30th August 2022
Welcome back to our employment law update. Scroll down to learn more about this month’s employment law focuses. From voluntary redundancy to ethical veganism and more…
Is Ethical Veganism a Protected Philosophical Belief?
An Employment Tribunal found that ethical veganism did not amount to a philosophical belief in Free Miles v The Royal Veterinary College…
Constructive Dismissal: Was This a Fundamental Breach?
In Singh v Metroline West Ltd, an employee who was not paid company sick pay was successful in his constructive dismissal claim…
Voluntary Redundancy and Unfair Dismissal: Everything You Need to Know
An employee who takes voluntary redundancy does not necessarily have no reasonable prospects of success in a claim for unfair dismissal, as highlighted in White v HC-One Oval Ltd.
If you have any questions or queries about employment law, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of our team today.