Wills, Trusts & Inheritance Tax Planning
Wills and Trusts
We provide expert advice to help you avoid unexpected pitfalls and ensure you leave your affairs as organised as possible. A Will is essential for anyone who wants to ensure their affairs are dealt with as they wish. If you have already made a Will, you need to keep it under review and up-to-date. Changes in the law and in your personal circumstances may mean that your Will is no longer appropriate.
Trusts are mainly used as a protective structure through which to pass family wealth down through the generations. They enable young or vulnerable family members to benefit from gifts of assets while the donor or another trusted person retains control and responsibility for managing the assets. Trusts can also be effective in tax planning, whether on death through a Will or during a lifetime. Our experienced team includes members of The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners who will advise on how inheritance tax, capital gains tax and income tax interact, helping you avoid unintended consequences.
Powers of Attorney and Court of Protection
Sadly, many people face challenging personal circumstances and are unable to manage their own affairs in later life.
Powers of Attorney are important documents, so it is essential that you take expert advice before deciding what to do. We have a wealth of experience both in creating Powers of Attorney and acting as attorneys. Where a Power of Attorney is already in place, we can review the arrangements and advise whether you ought to be taking any action.
If it is not possible to create a Power of Attorney, our lawyers can help you apply to the Court of Protection. The Court will appoint a deputy, usually a family member or a professional, to help the individual and manage their personal affairs. The role of deputy is highly regulated and carries significant responsibility, but we will help you understand what is expected. We can also act as deputies, if appropriate.