Pensions seminar: Learning from the others and the latest pension developments -18.03.2015

We will be looking at the lessons to learn from the mistakes of others, using recent court cases and Ombudsman rulings.

We will also cover a range of interesting issues and challenges for pension scheme trustees, companies and advisers, including:

  • Sharing the results of the Gordons’ Pensions Team’s specially commissioned research, Independent Pension Scheme Trustees: Trends for the Future
  • Bringing the latest news on the new tax flexibilities, which will allow members to take their DC benefits as cash after April 2015
  • The challenges caused by pensions liberation and how these may change after the new tax flexibilities take effect
  • Steps you can take if you are waiting for a section 75 debt to be paid or settled
  • The latest changes to the auto-enrolment regime which are trying to make compliance easier for employers


Wednesday 18 March 2015


Park Inn by Radisson, 4 Clarence Street West, Belfast, BT2 7GP. Click here for a map.


4.00 – 4.30 pm: Registration and networking over tea/coffee

4.30 – 5.30 pm: Seminar