Law firm Gordons launches fixed fee residential possession service for landlords
Wednesday 23rd December 2009
Landlords faced with the prospect of losing money on their investments due to problem tenants that either cannot or will not pay rent can now benefit from a fixed fee residential possession service launched by Yorkshire law firm Gordons.
Aimed at both individual landlords and investment companies, the service provides a fast, effective, results-driven way to ensure that tenants are evicted according to the requirements of the law. The successful removal of a tenant then allows the landlord to pursue new tenancy agreements that will deliver return on investment.
Graeme Davy, a solicitor in Gordons’ commercial litigation department, is an expert in commercial dispute resolution with a particular emphasis on property issues. It was his idea to develop and launch the fixed fee service.
Graeme commented: “Due to the recession, the number of tenants defaulting on payment has increased significantly leaving many landlords losing significant sums of money each month. The majority of law firms that offer to assist with residential repossession do so charging by the hour which creates a great degree of uncertainty around the cost for the landlord. We manage that risk by providing fixed fees for the three stages of repossession that we have identified.”
Stage one sees Graeme and his team review the existing tenancy agreement and arrange for a notice to be served on the tenant. If the tenant does not vacate the property, the process moves to stage two. This sees Gordons prepare papers to make a claim to the court for repossession. The firm will then make the claim and serve it on the tenant.
If hearings are necessary, Gordons will attend as many as are required for a fixed cost on each occasion. Stage three occurs if the tenant has still not vacated the premises and then the firm will instruct the court bailiff to evict the landlord’s tenant on their behalf.
Graeme continued: “By using Gordons, landlords have peace of mind in relation to costs and the fact that we are fully regulated by the Law Society. This service has been developed due to our regular representation of residential property agents and their landlords and it is already proving hugely popular.”
For find out more about the residential possession service contact Graeme Davy on 01274 703 918 or email