Did you know…?
Tuesday 28th June 2016
There is now another option when having to remove unauthorised horses from land. Until 2015, the usual way was to take court proceedings to remove them on the basis that their owners were occupying as trespassers. This was at considerable cost and delay. It can also be very difficult to identify the true owners of those grazers. The Control of Horses Act, which came in to force in May 2015 allows land owners to remove horses that are left on their land immediately, without having to take expensive court action.
With local authorities currently consulting on their Site Allocation Plans, landowners who would once let unruly horses graze away on green and brown field sites are now taking an interest in ensuring that third parties do not acquire rights over their land. This unused piece of legislation will come in handy as sites are looking to be developed.
For more information please contact our equestrian expert Graeme Davy on 01274 703 918 or at graeme.davy@gordonsllp.com