Are the supermarkets to blame for the milk crisis?

Thursday 13th August 2015

Interesting blog from The Grocer on the ongoing milk crisis. Key point for me is that it is not the responsibility of the supermarkets (or anyone else for that matter) to prop up ailing producers who are suffering at the hands of free market forces of supply and demand (an imbalance caused by shifting sands in the world economy). Others may disagree. As someone who knows a bit about it, my view is that the supermarkets are an easy, but undeserved, target for adverse public opinion. Key question now is whether or not consumers will take on the responsibility. Unlikely I should think.

To read the full article on The Grocer, click here.

If you would like to discuss this issue in further detail, please contact our retail expert, Andy Brian on 0113 227 0354 or at